Saturday, June 4, 2022

CHP's Karabat explained with numbers: AKP is playing a big game on TRT

Istanbul MP ​​Özgür Karabat claimed that the government is playing a big game on TRT with the posts he published on his social media account. Explaining that TRT’s Court of Accounts report found a foreign exchange loss of 21.3 million liras, Karabat said, “Look, TRT administrators. In the TRT Annual Report 2020 you prepared, you announced ad revenue of 306.2 million TL for 2019 and 316.1 million TL for 2020. However, there are lower figures in the TRT report,” he wrote.

CHP's Karabat explained with numbers: AKP is playing a big game on TRT

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Özgür Karabat, member of the Digital Channels Commission of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, member of the CHP Prime Minister and Istanbul MP, wrote that “the AKP government is playing a big game with TRT” with the posts he is sharing on his social Media account published.

Karabat drew attention to the names on the board of TRT, saying, “TRT, funded by the taxes collected from 85 million citizens, is no different from A Haber, instead of broadcasting impartially.”

Explaining that TRT’s report by the Court of Accounts found a foreign exchange loss of 21.3 million liras, Karabat said, “Look, TRT administrators and TL 316.1 million for 2020. However, there are lower numbers in the Court’s report. Do you think this difference is not taken into account?In 2020, TRT bought news, services and programs worth 1 billion 372 million lire. But you see, TRT is low in ratings,” he said.

Karabat said: “With what criteria was this money given to unobserved productions? Which front production companies did you send billions of lira to?” She asked.

CHP’s Karabat shares are as follows:

“The AKP, which wants to imprison those who engage in journalism in the public interest with a heavy censorship law, is playing a big game with TRT. Who owns TRT’s billion-lira budget… TRT, funded by taxes collected from 85 million citizens, will impartially broadcast, A First of all, I want you to look at TRT’s management list:


Aside from the fact that TRT’s board of directors is made up of AKP partisan names, none of them have control over financial legislation or the business. However, the duties of the Board of Directors of TRT clearly relate to the budgetary management in Article 537.

It is not for nothing that President Erdogan recently warned the members of the Court of Auditors with the words “Do not interfere in our affairs”. The report of the TRT’s Court of Accounts noted a foreign exchange loss of 21.3 million lire. Why did this damage occur? I’m sure TRT board members are looking at Google when reading these tweets. Because they don’t know. This is what happens when you put the shooters in the media and public institutions under the leadership of TRT on behalf of the AKP!

Dear TRT Board Members, while on Google, check out the Public Treasurer Regulations. You must make decisions in accordance with this regulation. Foreign exchange and deposit transactions, rental certificates etc. you have to know them all. That is clearly in the law. You are “personally” responsible for any damage that may result from breaching the provisions of the Regulation. We know that TRT management is unable to do the financial work. So which man of the palace is running this?

Check out TRT leaders. In the 2020 TRT Annual Report you prepared, you announced the advertising revenue of TL 306.2 million for 2019 and TL 316.1 million for 2020. But there are lower numbers in the Court of Auditors’ report. Do you think that this difference is not taken into account?

In 2020, TRT bought news, services and programs worth 1 billion 372 million lire. But you see, TRT is somewhere in the ratings. According to what criteria was this money awarded to the unseen productions? Which bogus production companies have you transferred billions of lira to?

These accounts are required not only by TRT management, but also by those who do business with TRT with inflated bills. We’re not done with what we’re going to tell you on TRT… Let’s put a comma for now…”

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