Discussions on the topic of cryptocurrency and bitcoin, which have been on the agenda lately, do not stop … The fate of around 2 billion TL Bitcoin, kept in external storage by James Howells, who lives in Wales, made people say that “it will not be so”.

James Howells, who lives in Wales, was on England’s agenda… 37-year-old Howells, who in 2013 threw away some ‘publications’ that had been cleaning his house with his then-lover, revealed that among the things he thrown away was a hard drive containing millions of dollars worth of bitcoins.
There were 8,000 of the first bitcoins produced in the external storage cryptocurrency wallet that he accidentally tossed. Howells, realizing too late that he had thrown away the external storage and trying to find the hard drive with the crypto money craze that has been rampant in recent years, spoke to British media.

The young entrepreneur is still tracking how the value of his lost money has changed.
A thousand regretful man spoke to Britain’s Sunday Times after realizing the bitcoin he threw away was worth $1 million at the time. Howells said: “Now that doesn’t really sum it up. This cryptocurrency was once worth half a billion dollars. Currently only 130 million dollars (about 2 billion TL). So it doesn’t really bother me. If I think about it too much, I’ll go insane.”
While he said he formed a team to remove the hard drive from the trash but the city council didn’t approve it, he was also reminded that one bitcoin cost $69,000 for a period of time. While Howells claimed that the value of bitcoin would rise again, he claimed that the bitcoin he threw away could reach nearly $2 billion in two years. But in order for Howells to get his money, he needs to find a 7 by 10 centimeter metal box with a pane of glass inside.

Howells said all plans are ready to find the external storage that holds the cryptocurrency while the city government won’t allow it.
Howells, who predicted where his external storage might be in the Newport dump and said he’s ready to set up a team to do it, said: “It sounded like a good idea when he first heard about Bitcoin, the was created by a person or people named Satoshi Nakamoto. It wasn’t about making money, it was about creating a financial system. I downloaded it and started trading in February 2009,” he said.
Howells said that in 2009 bitcoin mining had just started and therefore he was earning bitcoin every few minutes, and also explained that the mining time is even longer now and it is very difficult to earn bitcoin. Howells said, “I was one of the first 5 people to mine Bitcoin. The other is Satoshi. I set up my computer before I went to bed and when I woke up I had 400 to 800 bitcoins.”
Howells stated that the day he worked on his computer all day, he amassed 600 bitcoins, which are now worth $10 million, reflecting his disappointment at the lack of external storage.
Howells said the idea of collecting the house and throwing away the unused ones came from his then-girlfriend, but he’s no longer with her, and also said he said if Newport authorities give him permission, 10 percent of the bitcoins recovered, about $13 million, will be donated to them. The young entrepreneur, who said he will also be giving £50 of bitcoin to citizens living in Newport in Wales, said he has yet to receive a response.
Howells also explained that if approved, it would cost the team at least £10m or around $12m to find the offsite storage. Additionally, it is not known when this research will be completed.
#world #talking #man #accidentally #destroyed #billion #Bitcoin
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