Thursday, September 22, 2022

Interest dropped, the citizens reacted like this: Nobody should say that the economy is good. God strikes!

The central bank cut interest rates by 100 basis points to 12 percent at today’s meeting. After the decision, there were fluctuations in the dollar/TL exchange rate. The citizen said the government’s economic policies were wrong, saying, “No one asked, ‘What are you doing with the dollars?’ Nobody should say: “The economy is doing well. Bloody hell! Shame on you!” said.

Dollar/TL rose to 18.36 this morning after yesterday’s Fed rate hike decision.

When the clock showed 2 p.m., the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey announced its decision. The interest rate was lowered by 100 basis points to 12 percent. After the decision, there was activity in the dollar/TL exchange rate.

At around 2:30 p.m., the buying price of the dollar rose to 18.41 and the selling price to 18.46 on the currency boards in Istanbul’s Eminonu Spice Bazaar. The euro was trading at 18.15 buy and 18.22 sell.

We gave the citizens a microphone, “The dollar continues to rise. Do you find business management successful?” we asked.

The answers were as follows:


Gunduz Unal: “Unfortunately, it’s very bad. Look at the state of this nation, everyone is empty-handed…None of them have a pocket. The government cannot solve this problem. Already passengers. They are living their last days.”

“They made us slaves”

Orhan Cakar: “I don’t think the management was successful. Our situation is not good at all. I am handyman, our situation is not good at all. They made us slaves. The price changes every day, every hour. We cannot give our customers a specific price. We are also surprised, we embarrass the customer. It sucks… Our situation is not good. Winter is ahead of us; Natural gas, electricity bills coming… My shop is 9 square meters, electricity costs 5500 lire. I’m debating whether or not to open the store this winter. My house is rented, my shop is rented, it’s hard to get. The state must intervene in this situation.”

Orhan Cakar


Dear lion: “I don’t think the management was successful. I have been a trader and shop in Tahtakale for 16 years and am now considering closing it. Because the purchasing power of the citizens is zero. I work in the wedding industry, people can’t get married. An invitation used to cost 1-2 lira, now it costs 5-6 lira. That’s why people don’t come and buy something. We suffer when we see exchange rates… The government cannot fix this situation. Never. I have no trust.”


Halil Yilmaz: “I don’t find it successful because our purchasing power is decreasing day by day. There are so many wrong guidelines. Nobody listens to the public. Only 5, 10 percent of society feel very comfortable.”

Halil Yilmaz


Mr. Emrullah: “It doesn’t affect those who have money, but ordinary citizens are affected. Positive for the rich, negative for the common people. When I see the currency sign, I fear for the future. People inevitably want to go to countries with good economies. Even people who love their hometown want to leave.”

“Everyone gets what they want”

Ramadan recommendation: “I find the government’s economic policies successful. There are always problems in countries. Our difficulties so far have been great. Everyone is happy at the moment. Everyone has lots of money. Everyone gets what they want.”


Citizen who does not wish to be named: “If that succeeds, then we’re burned! We’re ruined! The environment sucks. When I look at the currency boards, I regret it. If the exchange rate goes up a little, the price of everything goes up. No one asked, “What do you do with dollars?” do not say. I can’t buy a new phone, I’m wondering if I can get the old one repaired cheaply… The currency reminds me of everything…

(shows the prescription glasses on his eye) It comes with foreign exchange. I’m getting a tooth filling, it costs money. No one should say, “We have nothing to do with dollars”; We have a lot to do with dollars. No one should say, “The economy is doing well.” God strikes! Shame on you! I, who was a very strong AK party member… That’s not enough, that can’t be! you must tell the truth I think 40 times when I buy a cheese mold. We can’t buy yogurt. How will it be good… Would it be such a waste? It is indeed a pitiable sin.”


Citizen who does not wish to be named: “Rents have gone up, the dollar has gone up, markets have deteriorated, tradesmen are in a difficult situation… The situation is not good. When I look at the currency board, I think we’re in a bad situation. We cannot foresee the situation is not good. For the government to correct this situation, it must be honest and prevent theft. It is to prevent bribery. If he is sincere and honest, he will be fine. But if he thinks the same way, it doesn’t get any better.”

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#Interest #dropped #citizens #reacted #economy #good #God #strikes

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