Sunday, July 24, 2022

"The great flood is coming" Legendary name: Bitcoin and look at these coins!

Rising inflation and rising interest rates continue to create tense feelings in global markets. However, as famous writer Robert Kiyosaki says, the real problem is what’s going on in the bond market. The expert says the dollar is about to explode and recommends Bitcoin, Solana and a range of altcoins.

Robert Kiyosaki says the bond market is on the verge of collapse

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has made some new predictions about the stock and bond markets. The famous writer said on Twitter on Saturday that he will buy Bitcoin at gold, silver and lower levels from this environment:

The US bond market collapses. Biggest bond crash since 1788. The bond markets are bigger than the stock market. Now I buy more gold, silver and wait for bitcoin to fall.

Kiyosaki also emphasizes that China’s real estate market is also collapsing. The financial expert points out that there are “more than 90 million vacant apartments in China”. In another tweet on the same day, he explained:

Losers watching the stock market. The real problem lies in the bond market. The bond market is 40 times larger than the stock market. Please pay attention to bonds, not stocks. A big accident is coming.

Famous author recommends Bitcoin and these altcoins

Robert Kiyosaki expressed concerns about hyperinflation and depression in April. He also often said that we are in the biggest bubble in world history. At the same time, he predicted that the US dollar would explode in March and advised investors to buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Solana (SOL). The famous writer tweeted the following that day:

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. Biden beat Putin on the world stage. Toxic Masculinity. The world is in trouble. The national debt will go through the roof. Biden is causing inflation and blaming Putin. The dollar is about to explode. Buy more gold, silver, bitcoin, ethereum and solana before WWIII.

Gold is Kiyosaki’s most basic advice. The precious metal has been a safe haven for centuries. Another asset Kiyosaki recommends is silver, a store of value like gold and a hedge against rising interest rates and inflation. Bitcoin is another safe haven that Kiyosaki has been talking about for a long time. However, the famous author expects to buy Bitcoin at lower levels.

Robert Kiyosaki says he will buy Bitcoin at this level

Kiyosaki has said multiple times that he expects Bitcoin to bottom to buy more. Last month, he announced that he expects BTC price to test $1,100 before buying. Earlier this month he said he had an outstanding cash position to buy at a discount as prices fell. cryptocoin.comAs you can see, Bitcoin (BTC) is trading in the $22,750 range on July 24th.

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