Thursday, January 26, 2023

Gram altında kritik gün! Altın fiyatları düşecek mi, yükselecek mi?

Haftanın son işlem gününde altın fiyatlarındaki hareketlilik devam ediyor. Gram altın son dakika itibarı düşüş gösterdi. Gram altın güne 1166 liradan başladı. Gözler Fed’in faiz kararında. Sözlü yönlendirmede bulunacak olan Fed Başkanı Powell, şahin ya da güvercin duruşa ilişkin ipuçlarını verecek. Peki 27 Ocak Cuma güncel altın fiyatları ne kadar? Tam altın, yarım altın ne kadar? Çeyrek altın fiyatı nedir? İşte detaylar…


Gram altın güne 1166 liradan başladı. Gün içinde en düşük 1160 lira, en yüksek de 1170 lira seviyesi görüldü. Şu sıralar gram altın 1163 liradan işlem görüyor.


1 Şubat 2023’te Fed faiz kararını açıklayacak. Faiz kararından öte Fed Başkanı Jerome Powell’ın açıklamaları daha da önemli olacak. Sözlü yönlendirmede bulunacak olan Powell, şahin ya da güvercin duruşa ilişkin ipuçlarını verecek.


Ons altında 1919 dolar desteğinin kırılması halinde gerilemenin 1905 doların altına doğru devam edeceğini öngören analistler, 1943 doların geçilmesi halinde hedefin 1969 dolar olacağını işaret etmeyi sürdürüyorlar.


Önceki kapanışını 7,737,00 TL üzerinden yapan cumhuriyet altını 7.625,00 liradan alınıyor, 7.707,00 liradan satılıyor.


Önceki kapanışını 3.884.00 TL üzerinden yapan yarım altın 3.824,00 liradan alınıyor, 3.868,00 liradan satılıyor.


Çeyrek altın, son kapanışını 1.942,00 TL seviyesinde yapmıştı. Son olarak 27 Ocak itibariyle 1.912,00 liradan alınıyor, 1.935,00 liradan satılıyor.


Tam altın 27 Ocak 7.721,00 TL alış, 7,812,00 TL satış fiyatından el değiştiriyor.


Ons altında meydana gelebilecek artışla gram altının bin 400 seviyelerine ulaşması durumunda çeyrek altının 2023 yılı ilk 6 ayında 2 bin 500 TL seviyelerinde satışa sunulabileceğini söyleyen sarraf Bayram Erdoğan şunları ifade etti:

“2022 yılı içerisinde yapmış olduğumuz kanaatlerimizde yüzde 100’e yakın bir doğruluk süreci gördük. Ne konuştuysak yüzde 100’e yakın oranda yerini buldu. 2022 yılı başı itibariyle gram altınımızı fiyatı 780 TL idi. 2022 yılı sonu, 2023 yılı başı itibariyle şu anda altınımızın gramı bin 190 – bin 200 bandında seyrediyor. 2023 yılında altının bin 200 bandına yükselmesi ile yaklaşık 400 TL’lik bir artış altının gramında söz konusu oldu. Bu da yüzde 50-55 aralığında bir orana tekabül ettiğini gösteriyor. Ons altın bazında dünya piyasasında altın fiyatı 2022 yılı içerisinde Amerikan FED’in yapmış olduğu faiz politikalarından dolayı baskılandı. Bunu daha önceki kanaatlerimizde de söylemiştik. 2022 yılı içerisinde ons altınımız çok fazla bir artış göstermedi. Yani bin 790 bandındaki ons altının fiyatı şu anda bin 900 bandına kadar yükseldi. 2022 yılında baskılanan onsun 2023 yılı ilk çeyreğinde FED faizlerinin düşürülmesiyle birlikte yukarı doğru tırmanacağı yönünde bir kanaatimiz var. 2022 yılında bin 900 bandını aşamayan ons altın 2 bin 250 bandına doğru ilerleyeceği tahmin ediliyor. 2023 yılının ilk çeyreğinde eğer ons altın fiyatı tahmin edildiği gibi 2 bin 200 – 2 bin 300 bandına ulaşırsa 1 gram altını alacağımız fiyat bin 400 TL seviyelerine ulaşacak. Yani şu anda altınımızın fiyatı bin 200 TL ama eğer ki ons altındaki gelişme bu şekilde olursa gram altının fiyatı bin 400- bin 500 seviyelerine ulaşacak. Eğer ki altınımızın gramı bin 400 TL olursa çeyrek altın da 2023 yılının ilk 6 ayında tahmini olarak 2 bin 300 – 2 bin 500 TL bandında satışa sunulacak”


Geçtiğimiz 1 yıl içerisinde en çok artış gösteren yatırım aracının yüzde 52’lik artışla altın olduğunu belirten Erdoğan, “2022 yılı başından sonuna kadar gram altın yüzde 51 oranında gösterdi. Buna bağlı olarak çeyrek altın yüzde 52, dolar yüzde 38, Euro yüzde 28 oranında artış gösterdi. Vatandaşlarımızla yine kanaatlerimizi, kesin olmayan bilgilerimizi paylaşıyoruz. Altın, 2022 yılı içerisinde dolar ve Euro’ya göre, daha fazla kazandırmış. Yaklaşık yüzde 20 civarında altın, dolara oranla daha fazla artmış. 2022 başı ve 2023 yılı başı itibariyle geçtiğimiz 1 yıl içerisinde en fazla kazandıran yatırım aracı altın oldu. Yine dolar ve Euro’ya göre yüzde 52’lik bir artış ile altın güvenilir liman olma özelliğini korudu. Az da olsa, küçük küçük de olsa fiziki altın alıp, yatırım yapmanızı tavsiye ediyoruz” şeklinde konuştu.

#Gram #altında #kritik #gün #Altın #fiyatları #düşecek #yükselecek

Sunday, January 22, 2023

The world is talking about this man: He accidentally destroyed 2 billion TL Bitcoin

Discussions on the topic of cryptocurrency and bitcoin, which have been on the agenda lately, do not stop … The fate of around 2 billion TL Bitcoin, kept in external storage by James Howells, who lives in Wales, made people say that “it will not be so”.

The world is talking about this man: He accidentally destroyed 2 billion TL Bitcoin

James Howells, who lives in Wales, was on England’s agenda… 37-year-old Howells, who in 2013 threw away some ‘publications’ that had been cleaning his house with his then-lover, revealed that among the things he thrown away was a hard drive containing millions of dollars worth of bitcoins.

There were 8,000 of the first bitcoins produced in the external storage cryptocurrency wallet that he accidentally tossed. Howells, realizing too late that he had thrown away the external storage and trying to find the hard drive with the crypto money craze that has been rampant in recent years, spoke to British media.

The young entrepreneur is still tracking how the value of his lost money has changed.

A thousand regretful man spoke to Britain’s Sunday Times after realizing the bitcoin he threw away was worth $1 million at the time. Howells said: “Now that doesn’t really sum it up. This cryptocurrency was once worth half a billion dollars. Currently only 130 million dollars (about 2 billion TL). So it doesn’t really bother me. If I think about it too much, I’ll go insane.”

While he said he formed a team to remove the hard drive from the trash but the city council didn’t approve it, he was also reminded that one bitcoin cost $69,000 for a period of time. While Howells claimed that the value of bitcoin would rise again, he claimed that the bitcoin he threw away could reach nearly $2 billion in two years. But in order for Howells to get his money, he needs to find a 7 by 10 centimeter metal box with a pane of glass inside.

Howells said all plans are ready to find the external storage that holds the cryptocurrency while the city government won’t allow it.

Howells, who predicted where his external storage might be in the Newport dump and said he’s ready to set up a team to do it, said: “It sounded like a good idea when he first heard about Bitcoin, the was created by a person or people named Satoshi Nakamoto. It wasn’t about making money, it was about creating a financial system. I downloaded it and started trading in February 2009,” he said.


Howells said that in 2009 bitcoin mining had just started and therefore he was earning bitcoin every few minutes, and also explained that the mining time is even longer now and it is very difficult to earn bitcoin. Howells said, “I was one of the first 5 people to mine Bitcoin. The other is Satoshi. I set up my computer before I went to bed and when I woke up I had 400 to 800 bitcoins.”

Howells stated that the day he worked on his computer all day, he amassed 600 bitcoins, which are now worth $10 million, reflecting his disappointment at the lack of external storage.


Howells said the idea of ​​collecting the house and throwing away the unused ones came from his then-girlfriend, but he’s no longer with her, and also said he said if Newport authorities give him permission, 10 percent of the bitcoins recovered, about $13 million, will be donated to them. The young entrepreneur, who said he will also be giving £50 of bitcoin to citizens living in Newport in Wales, said he has yet to receive a response.

Howells also explained that if approved, it would cost the team at least £10m or around $12m to find the offsite storage. Additionally, it is not known when this research will be completed.

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#world #talking #man #accidentally #destroyed #billion #Bitcoin

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Zorlu Enerji's 140 percent paid decision


Its shares are traded on Borsa Istanbul. Zorlu Energy (#ZOREN) announced that it had decided on a paid-in capital increase.

The statement sent by Zorlu Energy to the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) states its current capital 2,500,000,000 TL corporate capital 3,500,000,000 TL (140 percent) gradually, 6,000,000,000 TLIt was found that the decision to upgrade to .

In the next period, the decision of the Board of Directors after the application to the CMB regarding the capital increase is awaited.

If Zorlu Enerji gets the approval of its paid-up fee, it will have reached the registered capital limit of 6,000,000,000 TL.

If the settlement relates to the tying up of unsold shares, Zorlu Holding AŞ will purchase the remaining shares within 3 (three) business days after the end of the sell period under the purchase commitment. information was included.

The full statement provided by the company to KAP reads as follows:

As part of our board resolution of September 26, 2022 with the number 2022/40, which we announced to the public on September 27, 2022; To meet the capital requirements required for the planned investments by reducing our company’s foreign currency credit risk and strengthening the balance sheet and financial position; According to the authorization granted in Article 6 of the Articles of Association of the Company, the issued capital of our Company, which is 2,500,000,000.00-TL (Two Billion Five Hundred Million Turkish Liras), within the upper limit set as the registered capital of 6,000,000,000-TL ( six billion Turkish lira) fully covered in cash to increase to 6,000,000,000.00 TL (six billion Turkish lira) by increasing 3,500,000,000.00 TL (three billion five hundred million Turkish lira) in cash (with a price ) (140%),

– The right of existing shareholders to subscribe for new shares (right of first refusal) will not be restricted and the right to subscribe for new shares will be exercised at a price of 0.01 Turkish Lira per share with a nominal value of 1 Kurus (0.01 Turkish Lira),

– Within the framework of the Management Board resolution of Zorlu Holding AŞ dated 01/19/2023 with the number 2023/4; making full use of the right to acquire new shares, to settle the capital investment debt from the capital prepayment determined by the opinion of the financial advisor, into which cash is deposited at our company,

– Within the framework of the Board Resolution of Korteks Mensucat Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ dated 01/19/2023 with number 2023/4; making full use of the right to acquire new shares, to settle the capital investment debt from the capital prepayment determined by the opinion of the financial advisor, into which cash is deposited at our company,

– In the capital increase to be carried out, (A) group shareholders will receive (A) group, (B) group shareholders, (B) group shares,

– The right to exercise the right to purchase new shares is set to 15 (fifteen) days, and if the last day of this period falls on a public holiday, the right to exercise the right to purchase new shares ends on the evening of the next working day,

– as Group B of the remaining shares after exercise of new stock options; Sale on Borsa İstanbul AŞ at the price to be formed on the primary market for 2 working days, not less than the face value,

– The Group B shares to be issued as part of this capital increase will be created as “public traded”,

– In the event of the existence of the remaining shares from the public offering that were not sold in a timely manner, under the purchase commitment of the Management Board of Zorlu Holding AŞ dated 19.01.2023 and numbered 2023/4, within 3 (three) business days after the end of Sale period of the remaining shares, completion of the sale by our company by applying to Zorlu Holding AŞ for purchase by Zorlu Holding AŞ, paying the price in full and in cash that it is not less than the average of the offer price,

-Under this resolution, it was unanimously decided to submit applications to the necessary authorities for capital increase transactions and to authorize the management to carry out all kinds of works and transactions to be carried out in this context.

Cease and Desist Order on 5 Borsa Istanbul Shares

Elite Naturel started working for 150 percent free

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The stock market ended the day higher.

The information on the site is not of an advisory nature and does not fall within the scope of investment advice. It may not fit your investor profile.

#Zorlu #Enerjis #percent #paid #decision

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The citizen left glass bottled water and drank well water

The annual water cost for a family of four rose to 2,600 TL even though they bought the cheapest water. This amount exceeds 4,000 600 TL in a branded water. For this reason, Gökhan Hikkorkmaz, President of the Turkish Water Purifiers Association, who said that the sale of purification equipment tripled in a year, explained that the citizen bought a purification equipment and had it installed in the well water.

The citizen left glass bottled water and drank well water

The water prices for carboys, which rose from 10-15 lire to 45-50 lire in one year, pushed the citizens to tap and well water.

Speaking to, Gökhan Hikkorkmaz, President of Turkey’s Water Purifier Association, explained that sales of purification devices that convert tap water into drinking water have tripled in a year, as has the number of vendors in the sector increasing by 2,800-3,000 companies to over 4,000 in one year.

Hikkorkmaz said that the citizens living in the coastal areas have installed these devices in the well water, said: “Especially the citizens living in the coastal areas and turning to the treatment devices began to prefer well water. After the rise in packaged water prices, the trend towards well water has increased significantly,” he said.

4,000 600 TL water bottles are used for water per year

According to Hikkorkmaz, the price of a cleaning device has increased from 1800 TL last year to 3500 TL this year. However, if you consider that a family of four uses two carboys of water per week, the annual cost is 3,500 TL. This amount exceeds 4,500 TL if a well-known brand water bottle is purchased across the country.

If the citizen buys the cheapest glass bottled water on the market, that amount is 2,600 TL. Last year this calculation for the cheapest balloon water was between 1040 and 1560 TL.

Noting that the main reason for the increasing demand is that citizens can buy a cleaning device and use it for 7-8 years, Hikkorkmaz said that large companies have entered the market due to the increasing demand, while large companies are on are in the market but are not active now, doing more active marketing.


Speaking to, Ahmet Turan Akkaya, President of Istanbul Gazoz’s Chamber of Crafts of Water Sorbet Makers and Sellers, said that the cheapest glass bottled water was 10 TL last year, but this year it has risen to 25 TL. that it was 50 TL.

Explaining that the price of even an empty glass bottle has increased from 8-9 lira to 80-90 lira per year, Akkaya said, “What is left has not increased in price! The end of the rope is gone,” he said.

Citizens who did not want to pay 30 TL for a carboy in April 2022 filled the carboys and 5-liter bottles they had brought with them into wells around the forest areas and used them as drinking water.


Akkaya stressed that water can be expensive as it is sold without a price tariff and raises the cost, and said that since drinking water is a staple food, a certain price tariff should be set, like bread, he shouted.

Akkaya pointed out that since there is no specific price tariff, the companies sell water at the price they set, and in the case of a tariff, the prices can be lowered to a more reasonable level.


On the other hand, the cleaning device appears to be more economical, but it also has health-endangering aspects.

One of them is that unregistered sellers without the necessary documents sell products that are dangerous to human health.

Gökhan Hickorkmaz cautions against making purchases from sellers who do not have a Service Adequacy Certificate, Brand Registration Certificate and After-Sales Service Adequacy Certificate:

“As of 2023 there will be more than 4,000 registered vendors, but unfortunately unregistered companies will also be selling.

The company does not have a technical service certificate and a service qualification certificate, but it comes to the house and installs it. In the event of a fault, citizens cannot find a person to talk to.

Individuals without tax records should not purchase from companies that cannot provide a Warranty Certificate, Service Adequacy Certificate, Trademark Registration Certificate, and Customer Service Adequacy Certificate.


So why is water expensive?

The increase in plastic raw material prices directly affects daily life. While 80 percent of the cost of a classic half-litre plastic bottle of water is plastic, 20 percent is water.

Ahmet Turan Akkaya, who explained that companies rent water from special municipal administrations for bottled water and pay a price to the Ministry of Finance, listed the cost items as follows:

“Water filled into a tank comes to the factory to the bottling plants. Then there is the machine parkour. The raw material and skin of the pets are imported. An empty carboy costs 80-90 TL and these can explode. Then there is the shipping and carrier. Each level increases the price of water even more.”

Great hike to the water balloonYou might be interestedGreat hike to the water balloonAfter the increase in water, the citizen is condemned to tap water.You might be interestedAfter the increase in water, the citizen is condemned to tap water.

#citizen #left #glass #bottled #water #drank #water

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The mighty rise of artificial intelligence!

A statement from Microsoft from a bold article on its website explained that it will soon be making the ChatGPT artificial intelligence robot available on its platforms.


Eric Boyd, Microsoft corporate vice president for AI platforms, wrote that Azure OpenAI is generally available as part of Microsoft’s expansion of its partnership with OpenAI. Azure OpenAI excels as a service where language tools such as GPT-3 and Codex can be used and customized for specific tasks.

The post states that ChatGPT tested on Azure AI infrastructure will soon be available via Azure OpenAI. No release date given.


It is emphasized that the tech giant plans to make the chatbot available through the Azure OpenAI service. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said Tuesday at the Wall Street Journal’s panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that the tech giant plans to integrate artificial intelligence products like ChatGPT into all of its tools. “Every Microsoft product will have some of the same AI capabilities to completely transform the product,” Nadella said.

He emphasized that companies such as Microsoft, KPMG, Al Jazeera and Moveworks are already using the Azure OpenAI service. Al Jazeera, for example, uses the service to apply translations, context extraction, and style guides.


The ChatGPT announcement came after Microsoft, which previously invested $1 billion in OpenAI in 2019, reported that it was in talks to invest $10 billion in OpenAI by the end of 2022.

In late December, The New York Times reported that Google had issued an internal “Code Red” because of ChatGPT’s growing popularity, and some executives feared that something like ChatGPT could eventually replace Google’s search engine.


Generative AI isn’t just a Silicon Valley venture, it’s a technology that can invent almost any content you can imagine and type into a text field. It is also gaining attention at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos this week.

Executives have developed wide-ranging applications for new technologies, from using them as programming assistants to taking a step forward in the global race for artificial intelligence and military supremacy.

  • In Davos, French politician Jean-Noël Barrot reported that he plans to participate in a panel discussion with Sony Group Corp (6758.T) board members on the impact of the technology.
  • Matthew Prince, CEO of Cloudflare Inc, a company that defends websites from cyberattacks and offers other cloud services, emphasized that he sees productive AI as good enough to be a “young programmer” or a “really good thinking partner”. .
  • This type of artificial intelligence could have military applications, said Alex Karp, CEO of Palantir Technologies Inc, a software provider that helps governments visualize an army’s movements or examine companies’ supply chains, among other things.
  • “The idea that something autonomous can produce results is clearly useful for basic warfare,” Karp told Reuters in Davos.


ChatGPT has grown in popularity, offering human-like, detailed answers to the questions asked. ChatGPT, which has quickly grown in popularity, has also raised concerns that search engines could be harmed. Chat GPT, a kind of artificial intelligence robot, was admired and reached more than 1 million users in a short time.

Artificial intelligence company OpenAI launched ChatGPT in late November and has seen a meteoric rise in popularity. The chatbot amassed a million users in five days, attracting people with its ability to do everything from writing articles to creating social media posts to writing some kind of code.

The most basic feature of ChatGPT is that it can create real-time answers according to the question asked by the user. ChatGPT answers all unthinkable questions that are asked, understands expressions and answers naturally and fluently.

#mighty #rise #artificial #intelligence

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Strict rules in Europe will make Turkey the first market

Increasingly strict emission regulations in Europe are forcing manufacturers to produce electric vehicles. With the looming exit of the EU, eyes turned to Turkey and the country became a key market. Citroen CEO Cobee said that the heavy regulations in Europe had made the market passive that Turkey would be solved faster. Cobee said: “Turkey will be our first market for internal combustion engines. We plan to allocate the capacity to Mediterranean countries like Turkey and Israel,” he said.


As Europe undergoes rapid transformation in the wake of the pandemic, the tough emissions decisions made have accelerated the transformation of automakers. The new standards, which will come into effect in 2025, have accelerated EV sales by manufacturers. Because of this, brands have started to restrict sales of internal combustion engines as much as possible.

Therefore, importance is attached to the export of models that cannot be sold in Europe, while Turkey is one of the key markets for the combustion engine option. Answering our questions at the launch of Citroen C4 X in Spain, Citroen CEO Vincent Cobee and Citroen Turkey General Manager Selen Alkım shared remarkable messages about the Turkish market. Cobee stressed that Turkey will be the first market with the C4 X, saying that Europe has strict regulations, so the European market is a bit more passive. Expressing that Turkey is not like that, Cobee shared that the country was being broken up faster.

Cobee said that Citroen will be the first market for sales of internal combustion engines in Turkey: “Therefore, we plan to allocate internal combustion engine capacities to Mediterranean countries such as Turkey and Israel. Then there are Morocco and Japan. Of course, Turkey is supported in this sense. A very severe economic crisis is expected in Europe. It is clear that there will be a transition to electric vehicles. Combustion engines will be reduced,” he said. Stressing that they believe in Turkey’s potential, Cobee continued: “60 percent of the C4 X in the European market will be electric. We will only sell electric vehicles in 14 European markets. As far as internal combustion engine sales are concerned, Turkey will be the first market. I believe Turkey will be bigger than Spain. Spain is still a big market for these engines, but Turkey has even more potential.”


Vincent Cobee stated that the domestic market needed to be strengthened in order to produce and said only then could investment come to the table. Cobee said: “To be able to produce in Turkey, we need to be among the top 5 in the domestic market and reach the domestic market with 80,000 units. Only then can we put production on our agenda. This is not a dream, but a process that can be realized over time.”

Selen Alkım, on the other hand, emphasized that the goal this year is 49,250 units and that in 2025 they will reach 80,000 units. Alkım said: “Actually, this goal is not far from us. Turkey will be affected by the economic crisis in Europe. The sales that stopped there will continue here and sales will increase while accelerating the EU electrification process. That is why Turkey will step on the gas with the internal combustion engine,” he said.


Vincent Cobee said that understanding the Turkish market is very difficult: “It’s an interesting market. I saw unexpected events. We brought the electric AMI. I wasn’t expecting success, but we were sold out. But that’s a fact, I’ll say that very clearly. The Turkish market is not profitable. We sell but no profit. Because the competition is big. The old parking lot is big. And there are domestic manufacturers. Tax policy is also quite complex. The difference between AMI’s European price and Turkey’s price shows this.”

“One fifth of sales will be the new C4 X”

Selen Alkım expressed that the new C4 X is an important part of the overall sales targets: “One of every five Citroen models we sell will be the new C4 X. Our goal is to sell around 10,000 C4 Xs in 2023, but we reckon there’s much more serious potential here. If we get the shipment, we think we can sell up to 15,000 units of the new C4 X in 2023. I also have to say that the fleet potential for the C4 X is as high as for private customers. In other words, if we buy additional units, we can strengthen both trade and the fleet.”


Selen Alkım expressed that they broke new ground with Citroen C4 X and said that they offer petrol, diesel and electric models together. Alkım said: “We believe that this will also offer tremendous freedom of choice. We expect that 10 percent of new C4 X sales will be the e-C4 X, the 100 percent electric version. In addition, we calculate a share of 55 percent for the petrol version and 35 percent for the diesel version,” he said.


Assessing last year, Selen Alkım, General Manager of Citroen Turkey, stated that their goal was 40,000 units in 2022, but these numbers could not be reached due to supply problems.

Alkım said: “Unfortunately, due to supply problems, we have completed around 29,000 units in 2022. Of course, I don’t include AMI in that number. Of the 29,000 sales, around 22,000 were passenger cars and around 7,000 commercial vehicles. Of course, if we add AMI sales to that number, our total sales in 2022 will reach 30,000. In light commercial vehicles, we grew by 11 percent in 2022. This is a good result for us. If you look at it, we’re the seventh country in total sales in the global ranking, but we’re fifth in the list of brands and countries for commercial vehicles, which was a good result for us. If only there had been more deliveries, we would have had much higher results. In 2023, as Citroen Turkey, we want to achieve 49,250 sales of passenger and commercial vehicles. And on top of that 3,000 AMIs for sale. At this point, the total sales of the brand exceed 50,000 units,” he said.


The new Citroen C4 X took off in Turkey. The model, whose worldwide launch took place in Madrid, Spain, was offered for sale with 3 different engine types as petrol, diesel and electric. The starting price of the vehicle was set at 722,000 lire. The model that we were also allowed to use in Spain is as if it brought together 3 different bodies. With coupe, sedan and crossover designs, the segment that the car appeals to is pretty broad. Selen Alkim, Managing Director of Citroën Turkey, said: “Our first batch stocks are already almost gone. We had a thousand pre-orders. We sold it with pre-order before the price was announced,” he said.


While different trim levels are offered on the C4 X 4: Feel, Feel Bold, Shine and Shine Bold, the electric e-C4 X can only be preferred with the Shine Bold version, the highest trim level option. Rich trim models are only offered with a manual 1.2-liter petrol option at the entry-level. The C4 X’s 1.2 PureTech engine delivers 100 hp and 205 Nm of torque with a 6-speed manual gearbox, while the EAT8 has 130 hp and 230 Nm of torque with an 8-speed automatic gearbox.

On the diesel front, the 130 hp version of the 1.5-liter unit is only available with the automatic option. The electric ë-C4 X has 136 hp. The battery capacity of 50 kWh can be charged from 10 percent to 80 percent in 30 minutes at fast charging stations (Fast DC-100 kW). With an energy consumption of 15.3 kWh/100 km, the range of the e-C4 X is 360 kilometers.

#Strict #rules #Europe #Turkey #market

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

A101 discounts start tomorrow! January 5, 2023 A101 Current Product Catalog Released | Edirne Jet News

A101 continues to publish product catalogs that customers will find. In this regard, A101, which offers products of various categories for sale in chain stores across the country, announced the products that will hit the shelves from January 5. According to the relevant catalog chair covers, velvet non-slip living room carpet, running wheel, floor table, office refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher, washing machine, mobile phone, LED TV, smart bracelet, earphone, iron, tea maker, products such as microwave oven, mug with handle , pan and frying pan, citrus press, steel coffee pot and patterned glass.

A101 Price list for reduced products

According to the catalog of A101, the price list of products that will be on sale from January 5 is as follows:

a101 january 5, 2023 currently 3

Toshiba 55″ Ultra HD Android TV 7,999 TL
Samsung 40T5300 Full HD Smart TV 6,199 TL
HI-LEVEL 39″ HD Android Smart satellite receiver Led 3,299 TL
Xiaomi Redmi 9C 3/64GB Cell Phone 3,799 TL

a101 january 5, 2023 currently 4SEG BM 4001 / SBM 4001 dishwasher with 4 programs 4,299 TL
SEG CM 910 / SCM 9100 9 Kg washing machine 4,999 TL
Regal freezer 2,299 tsp
Royal Office Fridge 1,999 TL

a101 January 5, 2023 currently January 1Kütahya porcelain 12-piece mug set 149.95 tsp
Kütahya porcelain single products 29.95 TL
LAV patterned glass 14.95 tsp
LAV Striped Soft Drink Glass 16.95 TL
LAV Striped water glass 14.95 tsp
Paşabahçe footed platter with lid 219.95 TL
G4U cookware set of 3 134.95 tsp
Borcam Square Pyrex Jar with Plastic Cover 3200cc 99.95 TL
Borcam Square Pyrex Glass with Plastic Cover 1950 cc 69.95 TL
Taç pan and pan set 299.95 tsp
Sinbo STO 6712 Professional Citrus Juicer 379.95 TL
SENZ steel coffee pot 69.95 tsp
Glass coffee cup 500 ml 12.50 tsp
French press 600cc 49.95 TL
Ottimo water glass of 6 27.50 tsp
Ottimo tea glass set of 6 22.50 tsp
Ottimo mug with handle 250 cc 11.25 tsp

a101 january 5th 2023 current 2ndSamsung microwave 1,999 tsp
Flavel Hand Blender Set 439 TL
Arzum Jolletea tea maker 549 tsp
Arzum Peta ceramic iron 429 TL
Kiwi waffle maker 349 tsp
Aprilla AHC 5026 Rechargeable Hair and Beard Trimmer 149 TL
Arzum Cleancompact cyclonic vacuum cleaner 1,599 TL
Aprilla ATR 7022 hair, beard and body care machine 239 TL
Felix Smarta oil and water meter digital scale 199 TL
Kiwi Rechargeable Water Pump 49.95 TL
SanDisk 64 GB USB 3.2 memory 129 TL
Piranha 2285 Bluetooth Headset 49.95 TL
SanDisk 64GB Micro SD Card 119 TL
Piranha Smart Bracelet 109 TL
GoSmart in-ear headphones 19.95 TL

a101 January 5, 2023 currently January 5Sinbo Wooden Stick Shoe Rack 109.95 TL
Floor table 179.95 TL
Picnic table 179.95 TL
Mixed plastic products 19.95 tsp
Plastic products 24.95 tsp
Manual chopper with 5 blades 65 TL
Foldable kitchen products 49.95 TL
Mixed glass products 9.95 tsp
Trend storage container 9.95 tsp

a101 January 5, 2023 currently January 6Triathlon exercise bike 44.95 TL
Triathlon sports gloves 44.95 TL
Metal Triathlon Push Up Bar 44.95 TL
Triathlon jump rope 19.95 TL
Triathlon Pilates Ball 20 cm 15.95 TL
Triathlon butterfly arm and leg trainer 49.95 TL
Triathlon Waist Slimming Disc 54.95 TL
Triathlon Hand/Foot/Wrist Weight Set 31.95 TL
Triathlon Suction Cup Pulling Tool 89.95 TL
Triathlon Pilates & Yoga exercise bands 5 pieces 25.95 TL
Yoga roll 74.95 tsp
Toy slide 299 TL
Children’s chair 59.95 TL
Toy Bultak Teddy Bear 33.95 TL
Burpak gelatin foam pipette 100 pieces 11.95 tsp
Doll set with balloons 76.95 TL
Toy Mixed Mini Dough Bag 29.95 TL
Toy puzzle 120 pieces 139.95 TL
Toy picnic / beauty bag 47.95 TL
World Classic 7.95 TL
Bilal Civelek books 12.95 TL
Custom Cut Activity Books 11.95 TL
Coloring books 6.45 tsp
Reading books for 1st and 2nd grade 5.95 TL
Toy 2-story parking lot 159.95 TL

a101 january 5, 2023 currently 7Non-slip living room carpet velvet 5m2 399 TL
Non-slip living room carpet velvet 3m2 249 TL
Double liquid-tight mattress Mattress 149 TL
Single waterproof mattress Mattress 109 TL
Liquid Impermeable Pillowcase 29.95 TL
Chair cover Crassula 22.95 tsp
Mr. Fleece Beret 19.95 TL
Printed men’s hat 24.95 TL
Men’s beret with polar headphones 29.95 TL
Men’s Fleece Neck Beret 21.95 TL
Men’s / Women’s Seamless Beret 29.95 TL
Silver beret for women 32.95 TL
Bobble hat for women 29.95 TL
Short beret 19.95 TL
Women’s Pearl Hat 34.95 TL
Gloves for men / women 14.95 TL
Beanie set with scarf for children 59.95 TL
Silk&Blue Patterned Women’s Athlete Slip Suit 29.95 TL
Silk&Blue Patterned Women’s Socks 14.95 TL
Silk&Blue Bay wool terry socks 19.95 tsp

a101 January 5, 2023 currently January 8a101 January 5, 2023 currently January 9

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